Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a Spiritual Coach?

If you still aren’t sure whether you need a Life Coach, see if any one of these is showing up in your


1. You feel restless and disconnected from your true self and purpose, and it seems like your

life is passing you by

2. You’re unhappy, unfulfilled and uninspired, and you aren’t sure what would bring you joy

3. The same problem or set of problems is repeating itself over and over in your life

4. You have a dream or goal that you desperately want to accomplish, but no matter how hard

you work for it, it always seems to be out of reach

5. The life you desire seems impossible under your circumstances

6. You’re buried under a to-do list full of things that you really DON’T want to do

7. Your lifestyle is leaving you burned out, unhappy, and unfulfilled

8. You’re struggling to attract love into your life, and feel lonely, unwanted and unsupported as

a result

9. You long for a more loving, harmonious family, with a spouse and kids who make you feel

supported, respected and cherished

If any of these is true for you, a Spiritual Life Coach can help you to overcome the obstacles in your

path, and create the life that you’ve been longing to live.

There are a lot of Spiritual Life Coaches out there, but not all of them have the super natural or skills

to help you. Here are some of the reasons why you should consider having me as your coach. I am

intuitive, healer, motivator speaker, prophetic.

And I will use my experience to support and help guide you to accomplish your goals because your

subconscious mind will always fear change. It will use doubts, distractions, fear, discouragement,

and any method it can come up with to make things stay the same.

Think about the people who start working on their dreams, only to give up partway through. These

people were probably trying to go it alone, thinking their willpower could pull them through, only to

discover that it wasn’t enough.

How long does it take for you to get results?

That largely depends on you. I can show you how to use the principles of success and create an

action plan to connect to your purpose and build the life of your dreams. But how much action you

take, how fast you take it, and how consistently you apply the principles you learn, is entirely up to


How fast is it POSSIBLE to start getting results? Here are a couple of people I’ve worked with – I’ll

let them do the talking.

What if I don’t have time to talk to a Life Coach?

In my 15 years of coaching people, I’ve discovered that we always have more time than we think –

we just don’t know how to free up that time. And that’s one thing that I as a Spiritual Coach can help

you do.

Everyone has the same number of hours in a day. So how is it that some people manage to run

businesses, take care of their families, and still have the ability to take ‘me time’ for themselves,

while others can barely manage any of those things?

I’ve been doing the former for years, and I’d love to show you how!

But what about in the meantime? While you’re still learning how to free up your time, are you going

to get overwhelmed in the interim?

Let me share another secret I’ve discovered: we have time for the things that we make time for.

If you felt yourself having a heart attack right now, I’m sure you would somehow find a way to make

time to go to the emergency room. Maybe a few of your other tasks would slide, but surprisingly

enough... that wouldn’t be the end of the world.

Are you prepared to prioritize your self, your future, and your happiness, the way you would prioritize

a heart attack? It turns out, the two are equally important; surviving your whole life without ever living

the life you want is the same as a slow death.

A Spiritual I can show you how to prioritize your tasks so that the things you truly need to do get

done, but you’re no longer wasting your precious life on things that don’t bring you growth, wealth,

progress or happiness. I can also show you how to make the tasks you’re already doing take less

time, so you actually SAVE more time by working with me than you spend worrying.

“How long does it take for you to get results?”

That largely depends on you. I can show you how to use the principles of success and create an

action plan to connect to your purpose and build the life of your dreams. But how much action you

take, how fast you take it, and how consistently you apply the principles you learn, is entirely up to


How fast is it POSSIBLE to start getting results? Here are a couple of people I’ve worked with – I’ll

let them do the talking.

How much does a Spiritual Coach cost?

In short: far less than the price of living a life that’s less than you were meant to live.

More specifically: People think often offer several packages depending on what really need

counselling on, ranging from less than a hundred dollars or more. Which one you choose depends

on your needs. if you’d like to get an idea of what I offer, you can click the link below

Schedule a Session

How does the Spiritual Coaching process work?

Different Certified Spirituality Life Coaches have different methods, but our process involves weekly

videos and/or audios, with workbooks to go with them, and weekly coaching calls that help you to

put the material in the videos and audios to use.

Each week, you would watch a video or listen to an audio, complete any exercises that are involved,

and then put that week’s teachings into action. If any questions come up while you’re going through

the material or working on an action step, you can bring them up on the coaching call to get

personalized advice.

What benefits do I get from working with a Spiritual Coach?

When you know how to use the invisible, infallible, universal principles of success, everything

becomes easier.

Get in touch with your true, core self and the wisdom of your intuition, so you’re able to discover your

purpose, notice opportunities that you otherwise might have missed, and avoid obstacles that would

have blocked you in the past.

The people, circumstances, abilities and resources you desire come to you easily, because all your

power is turned toward attracting them instead of working against your growth or being limited by

fears, doubts, or a lack of knowledge.

The Law of Attraction works in your favor, so instead of attracting a parade of problems, challenges

and limitations, you start to attract blessings and successes that never seemed possible before.

Difficulties that have been repeating themselves in your life for years finally go away, and once you

know how to create the circumstances you desire instead of the ones you don’t want, you’ll be

equipped to create ANYTHING you want in your life, anytime you want it.

Whether you’re looking to create...

o A profitable business or career that centers around your purpose and passion

o A loving soul-mate relationship with a mature, sexy, supportive partner

o Vibrant health and an attractive body that you LOVE living in

o A lifestyle you love waking up to in the morning

o Or anything else that you’ve been struggling for years to make real’ll learn how to make it a reality, faster than you ever thought possible.

What kinds of problems does a Spiritual Life Coach solve?

The universal laws of success are just that – universal. Just like gravity pulls everything, the laws we

teach apply to any problem you’re struggling with, whether it’s...

o Being stuck in a job that you KNOW isn’t what you were meant to do

o Difficulty finding a soul-mate with whom to share your journey

o An ongoing struggle to make ends meet, when you’d rather be creating wealth

o Chronic illness or repeated, mysterious health problems

o Confusion about your true purpose, and a feeling of being aimless and uninspired

o A busy, stressful lifestyle, and a to-do list that never seems to get smaller

o Feelings of victimhood, despair, self-criticism, fear and self-doubt that hold you back from

creating the life of your dreams

o Or anything else that’s keeping you unhappy, stuck, or living a life that’s less than you desire.

Is Spirituality Based Life Coaching like therapy?

While a Life Coach can help you to heal from the wounds of your past, that isn’t all we do. We also

help you create the future you desire, and to stop repeating the patterns that cause you to get hurt,

so you can stop accumulating wounds and start creating the life you want to live… a life you’d


Is a Spiritual Life Coach like a self-help book?

Not really. Unlike self-help books, Life Coaches don’t give you one-size-fits-all advice, or a pile of

information that you’re left to digest and implement on your own. Instead, we help you create a plan

that’s tailored to your purpose and desires, and support you through every step of the journey as you

put it into action.

We also provide accountability, which helps you to stay “in action” even when you’re feeling

discouraged or unmotivated.

That way, instead of getting a lot of advice, not knowing how to use it all, and putting it on the shelf,

you can get all your questions answered, start taking action right away, and make fast, consistent

progress toward your purpose and your dreams.

What is a Spiritual Life Coach?

A Spiritual Life Coach is someone who helps you to:

1. Get a clear idea of your purpose and core desires.

Many times, people aren’t completely sure what they’re meant to do, or what would make them

happy. They have some ideas about things they’d like, but they don’t know how to create real,

lasting joy and meaning in their lives.

This type of Life Coach helps you to get crystal clear on what you want, what you’re passionate

about, and what kind of impact you want to make in the world.

2. Form a concrete, actionable plan, and gives you the secrets to

making sure it succeeds.

Once you know what you want, whether you already know it right now or you discover it during your

coaching session, i will help you to determine the course of action that will bring you to that goal.

And, more importantly, they’ll teach you about the invisible laws that govern whether or not you will


I’m sure you’ve noticed that some people seem to be able to create success almost effortlessly,

even if their goals initially seemed impossible, whereas others continue to struggle for years without

making headway. What’s the difference?

The difference is, the successful ones use the infallible laws of the universe in their favor, while the

ones who stay stuck ignore these laws or accidentally use them against themselves.

A good Spiritual Life Coach can explain to you how these principles work, and how to make sure that

they’re working FOR you instead of against you.

3. Discover the obstacles that are secretly holding you back

Many of us long to live better, more expanded lives, and to have an impact on those around us.

But part of us also clings to the things that are familiar and safe.

As you start to move toward the life of your dreams, your old habits, fears and beliefs will rush to try

to hold you back, using an amazing array of subtle tactics to protect the status quo.

There will be distractions that tempt you to leave your most important projects for tomorrow, doubts

that drain your confidence and slow your progress to a halt, habits that cause your efforts to be

ineffective, and fears that lead you to hold back, concealing your light and power and leaving you

unable to give it your all.

This type of Life Coach helps you to discover these obstacles, even if you’re unable to see them

yourself, and form a plan for moving past them so that you can move toward your ideal life full-steam ahead, instead of making slow progress