Why Everyone Needs A Spiritual Coach

In life, you will face stress, obstacles and multiple problems that prevent you from living a fulfilling life. A spiritual coach boosts your confidences and guide you to the right path.

Who is Mother Love?

I’m very fortunate to be an instrument of the Lord to serve his people. Through the years He has gifted and guided me in a variety of ways.

As a young girl, I started to feel people’s emotions, feelings, and illnesses without having to speak to them. Even though I had this gift I didn’t quite understand how or why? By age 13, I was giving advice and assisting people much older than myself. By the age of 17, I began to feel a connection to many spiritual leaders and a very special connection to Mother Teresa. To help me understand the connection, I wanted to learn everything about her. I quickly realized the important role she would play in my life; I was to follow in her footsteps. I wanted to use my gift from God to help others.

As I have grown in Christ and matured in understanding how the Holy Spirit lives and works in my life, He has equipped me to see realms of the spirit world that I would have never imagined. One morning, in particular, after a study in God’s Word and doing deep meditation, I started to see what I’ve come to realize is energy in front of my eyes. It had a visual component. I was able to see the flow of energy and how it works. It’s almost like listening to the radio. People can hear it, but they cannot see it. Except I was different; I could see how the waves transferred.

I was connected to a whole new spiritual realm of reality that didn’t exist in the mundane, physical world. Basically, the Holy Spirit connected me with the spiritual dimensional worlds that are controlling our universe. This might seem difficult to comprehend but this is how the Holy Spirit has gifted me.

It became clear that this was my calling, and that I was put into this world with this gift to help others. Those that don’t believe how the Lord has gifted me are quite often stunned and mesmerized when the Spirit reveals their past and present history to me. This happens whether in person or over a phone call. Actually, I can do any of this work to anyone where ever they are located, including medical diagnosis.

Since then, I have made it my life’s mission to use my gift to assist others through their struggles and challenges in life. As I have learned to listen to the Holy Spirit within me, God has used me to provide spiritual guidance in areas like: relationships, financial and business issues. Additionally, this giftedness and power has resulted in spiritual healing, deliverance from evil spirits, sicknesses, struggles with generational curses or witchcraft … and much more.

Matthew 10:1 and 8, Mark 6:13, Mark 16:18, Luke 9:1-2, Luke 9:6, Luke 10:9, Acts 3:1-8, Acts 4:30, Acts 5:16, Acts 8:7, Acts 9:17-18, Acts 14:8-10, Acts 22:13, Acts 28:8-9, 1 Corinthians 12:9, 1 Corinthians 12:28, 1 Corinthians 12:30, James 5:15-16.


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