I am no longer afraid.

For years, I had been struggling with self-doubt, self-pity, and being afraid to try new things or stand my ground with confidence. Every day, life was harder than normal for me. That was until I found Mother Love’s counseling service. I was lost ‒ at the end of my rope ‒ and I greatly needed to be found. I had been trapped in my own head for so long, I could not pull myself out. I needed spiritual guidance.

My counseling period with Mother Love was brief but extremely helpful. Not only did it improve my mental state, but I now find clarity with everything in my life. I am no longer afraid.

As Mother Love is a very spiritual counselor, every session began with a prayer. We prayed about my fears, my goals, and everything that had a hold over me. Our sessions were over the phone, but I could feel her spiritual energy coming over me every time. After every session, I felt very relieved and refreshed. My mind was cleared, and I was able take on my daily tasks with much ease and less worry on my mind. In only four weeks, I started to notice changes in my own life. Something that could have taken me years to do, I was able to achieve in about a month with Mother Love’s help and guidance. I found myself again, and I regained my spirituality and confidence once more.

I am very happy, and extremely grateful to Mother Love for her service. Not only has it helped me in the here and now, but it has given me a much better perspective on life. Her lessons and prayers will stick with me for the rest of my own life. I am lucky I found her ‒ or, more likely, that she found me, because I was greatly in need.

I would greatly recommend her services to anyone who is lost and feels like they have nowhere else to go. Anybody who feels they are at the end of their rope. Mother Love is a Mother to all and accepts all of God’s children no matter their needs. In such a short time, I was able to see a drastic change in my mental health, which deeply improved my life overall.

I just want to say thank you deeply to Mother Love for pulling me out of my head, showing me my own potential, and helping me realize what my reality could be like.

-Leo Lekeanyi

I am thankful to God and to her for doing miracles in my life

After becoming a Christian I started to read the Bible and learned that God blesses everyone with individual gifts. I was in need of spiritual counseling and deliverance. I prayed to God that He would bring the person He wanted to work through into my life and I met Mother Love shortly thereafter and my life has never been the same. She has a beautiful heart and loves to serve the Lord and His people. I am thankful to God and to her for doing miracles in my life through her praying on my behalf. I would highly recommend her to friends, family…everyone. You will never regret it and your relationship with Jesus will grow exponentially.


am now in a place of hope, optimism and stronger faith in God.

The premise of Mother Love’s ministry is based on what Jesus said in Matthew 6:27 which speaks about not worrying and of course, about having strong faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Before my time knowing Mother Love, I worried about my life, my future, my career, etc. She counseled me through my doubts, fears, and worries and brought the messages of Jesus to light in my life. As you’re going through your trials, you don’t really believe that prayer is working or reading the word is working, or listening to a woman of God is working, but it did. Gradually, through prayer and effectively seeking God I have learned how to sow my seeds on good soil just as the Lord told me to do from his parable in Luke 8:4-15. This means that I hear the word, I retain it, and by doing so, persevere to produce a crop rather than hearing the word prior to this revelational moment and getting choked up by the fears of life. Mother Love helped to know God more. I am now in a place of hope, optimism and stronger faith in God.

-Princess Diana Kemngang

I began to cry tears of joy

Mother love is always available to pray with me in my hours of need and despair. When Mother Love prays for me, I can feel the Holy Spirit embracing me and a rush of peace and joy overtaking me. I begin to cry tears of joy because this love overtaking me is unbearable and undeserved. Praying with Mother Love always gives me calmness and peace. I believe Mother Love’s spiritual gift is truly from the Lord. And I thank God for bringing Mother Love in my life because she is a spiritual advisor to me and to many others.

I recommend Mother Love to all my family and friends and I will continue to do so.

Thank you Mother Love for all you do.
God Bless you Always.
I love you.

-Minette Achankeng

I feel revived and blessed from your gift of healing prayers!

Thank you for being my prayer warrior! I am so grateful that our paths crossed and you walked by me with unconditional love and prayers. Your prayers have brought me comfort and supernatural peace that I haven’t felt in years! I feel revived and blessed from your gift of healing prayers!

And I thank you for your friendship and kindness. You have helped me draw closer to God and I would recommend anyone who needs prayers to come to you!

The world needs your light to shine through in the darkness.
May God continue to bless you with your “Gift”.

Love always,

-Patty Leeper

She extends her phenomenal love for God to me

Meeting my Mother Love was one of the greatest blessings ever!!!!! She is a destiny propeller and a prayer warrior like none other. I was struggling with school when I met Mother Love and she prayed with me, fasted for me, and gave me practical advice / counsel. These days you do not find many people that so willingly and genuinely pray you through and war for you like Mother Love does. She keeps me covered in prayer all the time! She declared and prophecies that I would never fail any exam and to God be the glory this has been my true testimony. I have so much peace. She extends her phenomenal love for God to me and I’m forever grateful for her heart towards me and all my endeavors. Even in normal conversation with her you can feel the love of God, it’s different and so warm! I can go on and on and on about this mighty angel of God but you have to get to know her for yourself!

-Grace Tackie

Mother Love kept praying for me and never gave up

Before I met Mother Love, I was struggling in school. Mother Love prayed for me and told me that I had a blockage on my head. I did not understand what she meant at that time, but now I do. Mother Love kept praying for me and never gave up. I received deliverance through her. By the power of God, He used Mother Love to set me free. I started doing really well in my classes. I then graduated college with honors. I also received many blessings. She confirmed many things for me. One day, Mother Love told me to keep on playing the piano because God is going to use me. I never told her that I played the piano. I also never told her how much I wanted to give up and stop playing the piano because I was discouraged. Because of the God of Mother Love, I have been playing the piano even more and making piano covers. Through those piano covers many people have been blessed. There are more testimonies because of Mother Love’s obedience to God. I recommend EVERYONE to Mother Love. She cares for you. She sees you as her own child. She does not sugarcoat things to make you feel better but will tell you the truth in love. Thank you Mother Love for all you do. Words cannot express my gratitude. I love you always!

-Naa-Afi Tackie

Mama Love like her name says, LOVES everyone

I heard about Mama Love from my Aunt and after our first conversation my life has definitely changed for the better. Mama Love worked on my family and I can say Thank God for her life and Thank you Mama Love for obeying God’s instruction and allowing him to use you to do his work. I used to be very anxious about day to day activities, overthinking almost everything and after Mama Love working on me, these feelings have subsided. There are days where I get a bit anxious and I will hear one of Mama Love’s words of encouragement and that soothes away those feelings. I can say that I also see in a difference in the life of my brother, we talk more and our conversations are meaningful and not the usual hi how are you. The Saturday night Prayer line is also very encouraging and sometimes it is the boost I need to keep pushing. Mama Love like her name says, LOVES everyone and when she prays for you, you feel the presence of God around you. God bless you Mommy and your family. Thank you for being obedient and doing God’s work. I can say that my family has been blessed in our encounter with Mama Love.

-Stella Kwofie

After the first month she started praying for me I noticed a difference

Mother Love has been one of the biggest blessings in my life. Not only has she counseled with me, but she has pray with me through life’s storms. After the first month she started praying for me I noticed a difference. I’m in real estate and the very next month my sales tripled, and I remained at the same level for most of last year. I anticipate my income and span of influence will continue to increase going forward.

Founder of City-Wide Singles.TX
Single Adult Pastor for Life from DFW Church

-Julia Miller

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