At times we all need a spiritual coach!

Why anyone needs a spiritual counselor…

A spiritual coach is someone who helps you connect to who you truly are. They work with you to change/re-direct/navigate your life, uncover your desires, take steps towards your goals, achieve your dreams, bust limiting beliefs, and remove roadblocks. A spiritual coach uses a deeper, more holistic approach.

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For years, I had been struggling with self-doubt, self-pity, and being afraid to try new things or stand my ground with confidence. Every day, life was harder than normal for me. That was until I found Mother Love’s counseling service. I was lost ‒ at the end of my rope ‒ and I greatly needed to be found. I had been trapped in my own head for so long, I could not pull myself out. I needed spiritual guidance.

My counseling period with Mother Love was brief but extremely helpful. Not only did it improve my mental state, but I now find clarity with everything in my life. I am no longer afraid.

As Mother Love is a very spiritual counselor, every session began with a prayer. We prayed about my fears, my goals, and everything that had a hold over me. Our sessions were over the phone, but I could feel her spiritual energy coming over me every time. After every session, I felt very relieved and refreshed. My mind was cleared, and I was able take on my daily tasks with much ease and less worry on my mind. In only four weeks, I started to notice changes in my own life. Something that could have taken me years to do, I was able to achieve in about a month with Mother Love’s help and guidance. I found myself again, and I regained my spirituality and confidence once more.

I am very happy, and extremely grateful to Mother Love for her service. Not only has it helped me in the here and now, but it has given me a much better perspective on life. Her lessons and prayers will stick with me for the rest of my own life. I am lucky I found her ‒ or, more likely, that she found me, because I was greatly in need.

I would greatly recommend her services to anyone who is lost and feels like they have nowhere else to go. Anybody who feels they are at the end of their rope. Mother Love is a Mother to all and accepts all of God’s children no matter their needs. In such a short time, I was able to see a drastic change in my mental health, which deeply improved my life overall.

I just want to say thank you deeply to Mother Love for pulling me out of my head, showing me my own potential, and helping me realize what my reality could be like.

– Leo Lekeanyi
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